Clothing Vocabulary in Turkish
Clothing Vocabulary in Turkish that every beginner should know!
If you are planning to go to big cities like Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir and you are also addicted to shopping, learning shopping terms in Turkish will give you great comfort. If you are not even a shopping addict, knowing these words to buy gifts for your loved ones when you go abroad will give you a great flex.
Fashion in Türkiye
Fashion in Türkiye is quite colorful and it is one of the countries where you can always find special pieces. It is possible to get lost among the colors and varieties in this country where traditional and modern styles meet. Fortunately, we have prepared this article about clothes for you, to avoid confusion for you who are followers of Turkishle.
Moreover, you don’t want to have to pay a lot of money in boutiques just because you don’t know Turkish, do you?
With this blog post, you can practice clothing vocabulary and excel in Turkish whenever you want!
If you’re ready, we’ll start with the most basic words!
Basic Clothing Vocabulary in Turkish

English | Türkçe |
Pants | Pantolon |
Scarf | Şal atkı |
Vest | Yelek |
Slippers | Terlik |
Shoes | Ayakkabı |
Shorts | Şort |
Hat | Şapka |
Sweater | Kazak |
Leggings | Tayt |
Jacket | Ceket |
T-shirt | Tişört |
Dress | Elbise |
Gloves | Eldiven |
Boots | Çizme |
Glasses | Gözlük |
skirt | Etek |
Overcoat | Palto |
Suit | Takım elbise |
Tie | Kravat |
Jeans | Kot pantolon |
Shirt | Gömlek |
Sandals | Sandalet |
Coat | Mont |
Headscarf | Eşarp |
You can see this list of clothes in almost every boutique and shopping mall. Now, it’s time to try on the beautiful clothes you’ve picked up, don’t forget to take a look at the dialogues below!
Bu kıyafet listesini hemen her butik ve alışveriş merkezinde görebilirsiniz. Şimdi sıra elinize aldığınız güzel kıyafetleri denemeye geldiyse, aşağıdaki diyaloglara göz atmayı unutmayın!

Eda: Merhaba, bu eteği denemek istiyorum. Bedeni var mı bu eteğin?
(Hello, I want to try this skirt. Do you have a size for this skirt?)
Satıcı: Tabii, hangi bedeni istersiniz?
(Sure, what size do you want?)
Eda: Küçük beden.
(Small size.)
Satıcı: Elbette, işte size küçük bedenli etek
(Sure, here’s the small size skirt for you.)
Eda: Teşekkür ederim. Bu eteği denemek istiyorum.
(Thank you. I want to try this skirt.)
Satıcı: Tabii, deneyin ve rahat hissedip hissetmediğinizi söyleyin.
(Sure, try it and let me know if you feel comfortable.)
Eda: Dar gelmiyor, ama biraz daha geniş olabilir.
(It’s not tight, but it could be a little loose.)
Satıcı: Anladım. İşte orta beden bir etek.
(Got it. Here is a medium size skirt.)
Eda: Evet, bunu da denemek istiyorum.
(Yes, I want to try that too.)
(Eda orta beden eteği denedikten sonra)
(After Eda tried a medium size skirt)
Eda: Bu beden daha iyi oldu. Orta beden çok daha uyumlu.
(This size got better. The medium size is much more compatible.)
Satıcı: Harika! Size uygun olanı bulduğuma çok sevindim.
(Great! I am so glad I found the right one for you.)
Eda: Teşekkür ederim, yardımlarınız için.
(Thank you for your help.)
Satıcı: Rica ederim, iyi günlerde kullanın!
(You’re welcome, have a nice day!)

Clothing Vocabulary in Turkish
English | Türkçe |
To wear | Giymek |
To try on | Denemek |
Size | Beden |
Small | Küçük |
Large | Büyük |
Loose | Bol |
Tight | Dar |
Long | Uzun |
Short | Kısa |
Clothing Vocabulary in Turkish

50 essential Turkish nouns for Beginners
If you liked the color of one piece while shopping, but you didn’t like the model, what you need to do is to ask:
Başka bir model görebilir miyim?
(Can I see another model?)
What if you don’t like the color? Then, you may want to ask:
Bu modelin başka rengi var mı?
(Does this model have other colors?)
Clothing Vocabulary in Turkish
Of course, if you are not on your very lucky day, the model you like may be a little bit expensive. But it’s worth trying your luck by asking:
İndirim var mı?
(Any discount?)
you can try your luck by asking if you don’t have it and you’re still feeling lucky:
Biraz indirim yapma şansınız var mı?
(Do you have a chance to get some discount?)

Asking for return and refund in Turkish
Don’t have time to try on the clothes you like? Here if you want to ask about the return and
information in Turkish:
A Clothing Vocabulary in Turkish
İade ve değişim politikanız nedir?
(What is your return and exchange policy?)
If you want to know if your time is limited or not, you can ask:
Kaç gün içinde iade etmem gerekiyor?
(How many days do I have to return it?)
When you come to return your product, you can convey the sentence to the people working at the cash register :
Bu ürünleri iade etmek istiyorum
(I want to return these products)
Using Turkish words while shopping will both protect your wallet and help you improve your

Moreover, if you are very enthusiastic about learning Turkish, using Turkish words during communication will make you feel confident. We hope these words and dialogues about clothes will motivate you on your Turkish learning journey. We wish you good shopping as Turkishle family!
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