25 Turkish Baby Boy Names With Meanings
Baby Boy Names in Turkish
25 Turkish Baby Boy Names With Meanings
When meeting a person, the very first thing you do is to introduce yourself, and you start by mentioning your name. Your name gives some details about you such as your identity, your ethnicity and some other associations attached to it based on biases or general opinions. For this reason, parents give a great deal of thought when choosing a name for their babies. The name they choose will eventually create an image on the part of the child about himself/herself and this image will stay with them throughout their life. However, even though a name might tell who you might be, it definitely can’t tell who you’ll become.
Since it is one of the biggest and most exciting decision in people’s lives, let’s see what kind of names Turkish people love and consider giving to their babies. Today we will share with you the top 25 baby boy names in Turkish. If you are ready, let’s jump into it!!
Yusuf, also known as Yosef in Hebrew and Joseph in English, is a prophet’s name mentioned in the Quran. The origin word is derived from the name Yosef in Hebrew meaning “The Lord increases”. According to some Islamic sources, the word derives from the word “asf” (أسف) in Arabic which means “regret” and “sorrow” due to the relation to the prophet’s separation from his brothers and father. The name Yusuf represents a good-looking general, leader and the favourite son of Jacob.
Turkish Baby Boy Names
25 Turkish Baby Boy Names With Meanings
Miraç comes as the second most popular baby boy name after Yusuf in Turkey. The origin of the word is Miraj (معراج) in Arabic, which means ascension into heaven and refers to the night journey of the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) to meet God. This miraculous event took place on the 26th of the Rajab in the Islamic calendar and is celebrated by Muslims worldwide.

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The name Eymen originates from the Arabic word Ayman (ايمن) and has meanings such as “right-handed”, “someone being on the right”, “righteous”, “lucky” and “blessed”.
Turkish Baby Boy Names
Ömer is a variation of the Arabic name Umar meaning “long living”, “flourishing” (derived from umr/عمر) and “thriving”. It is also the name of the second caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab.
The word transferred from Hebrew to Arabic means “gathers”, “clear”, and “lined up”. Coming from the name of the vizier of Prophet Solomon, the word also has meanings such as “virtue”, longsightedness”, and “vizier”.
The name Mustafa means “the chosen one” and” pure”, and is one of the names of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H). It is a common name in Turkey and is chosen in the memory of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881–1938), the founding Father of Modern Turkey.
Turkish Baby Boy Names
25 Turkish Baby Boy Names With Meanings
Kerem is a Turkish male name which is a variation of the Arabic name Kareem. It means “nobility”, “generosity”, “kindness” and “vineyard”.
The name Miran has multiple meanings based on the word’s origin in different languages. While the word means “ruler” and “leader” in Persian origin, it stands for “peace”, “world” and “marvellous” in the old Slavic (from “mirŭ/миръ”). In Kurdish, however, it means “prince” and “princely”.
Turkish Baby Boy Names
Hamza is a male name of Arabic origin meaning “lion”, “strong person” and “sinker”. The name also appears as the name of one of the uncles of the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), who is a wrestler and an archer known for his strength and valour in battles.
The name Emir has multiple meanings. Derived from the title Amir, the name means “command” and “order”. In addition to that, Emir refers to a person who is the head of a country like a “prince” and “local king”.
Meaning “noble”, “brave”, “fearless” and “heroic lion”, Alparslan is the name of the commander and ruler of the great Seljuk Empire, who won the battle of Manzikert against Byzantines and opened the gates of Anatolia to Turks.
Being the Turkish version of the name Mohammed, Mehmet means “praised one” and “commendable”. Mehmet is also the name of the famous Turkish poet, Mehmet Akif Ersoy, who is the Author of the Turkish National Anthem.
25 Turkish Baby Boy Names
Ali is a gender-neutral name of Arabic origin and means “high”, “elevated” and “champion”. According to Quran, Ali is the first person to have converted to Islam and is also the Prophet Mohammed’s (P.B.U.H) cousin and son-in-law.
Turkish Baby Boy Names
Muhammad is an Arabic male given name meaning “praiseworthy” and “glorified”. It is the name of the Prophet who is the founder of Islam and a very common name in Turkey as well as Muslim countries.
Being a very common Turkish name, Yiğit has several meanings such as “valiant”, “daredevil”, “hero” and “someone who is not afraid of speaking his mind”.
Çınar, a male name in Turkish, originally comes from the Persian word chenar, which can be translated as “plane tree”.
Baby Boy Names in Turkish
The meanings of the name Aras are “the person who takes care of as it is his own” and “the river flowing from Eastern Anatolia to the Caspian Sea”. It is a name of Turkish origin.
Umut is a unisex name meaning “hope” and “wonder”.
Being a male name, which can be translated as “heroic saint”, Alperen comes from Turkish roots alp, meaning “hero” and eren, “saint”.
Baby Boy Names in Turkish
25 Turkish Baby Boy Names With Meanings
25 Turkish Baby Boy Names With Meanings
25 Turkish Baby Boy Names With Meanings
It is a male name of Turkish origin meaning “frosty”, “cold breeze” and “night breeze”. In Arabic, the name means “the seeker of refuge”, “the seeker of protection” and “the person who asks for God’s protection and seeks safety in Him”.
The name Berat has several different meanings such as “latter patent”, “freedom”, and “liberty”. In addition to that, Berat is derived from “berat kandili” in Turkish which is the holy night of forgiveness. It is believed that sins are forgiven when prayed on this night and the destiny of the next year is determined.
Two well-known meanings of the name are “lover” and “the one who is addicted to love”. Besides them, Emre means “a loving friend” and “comrade”.
Baby Boy Names in Turkish
The name Mert derives from the Persian name Mard (مرد) and means “manly”, “brave”, and “trustworthy”.
Common Baby Boy names
Composed of two words as mete and han, Metehan is a Turkish given name having meanings such as “brave khan” and “gallant khan”. Mete means “gallant” or “brave” while han means “khan”.
It is a name of Arabic origin and the name of the Prophet Abraham. It means “an intimate friend”, “the father of nations” and “the father of multitude”.
Common Baby Boy names
- alparslan, alperen, aras, asaf, ayaz, Baby Boy Names, Baby Boy Names in Turkish, berat, Çınar, common baby boy names, common boy names, common names, common turkish baby boy names, emir, emre, Eymen, hamza, ibrahim, kerem, mehmet, mert, metehan, Miraç, miran, muhammed, mustafa, Ömer, turkish baby boy, turkish boy names, umut, Yiğit, Yusuf
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